Published On: July 19th, 2023

What’s the difference between thoroughbred and standardbred horses?

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Thoroughbred and Standardbred horses are two different breeds of horses that are commonly used for racing. Here are some of the key differences between the two breeds:

  • Breeding: Thoroughbred horses are bred for speed and agility in flat racing, while Standardbred horses are bred for their ability to trot or pace in harness racing.
  • Body type: Thoroughbreds are typically taller and leaner with longer legs than Standardbreds. Standardbreds have a more muscular build with a lower center of gravity, which allows them to trot or pace at high speeds while pulling a sulky.
  • Racing style: Thoroughbred horses run in a gallop or running gait, while Standardbred horses trot or pace while pulling a sulky. This means that Standardbred races are typically slower but more tactical, as the driver must strategically pace the horse to maintain speed and conserve energy.
  • Racing distances: Thoroughbred races are usually run at distances between 5 and 12 furlongs (about 1 to 2.4 kilometers), while Standardbred races are typically run at distances between 1 and 2 miles (about 1.6 to 3.2 kilometers).
  • Racing tracks: Thoroughbred races are run on turf or dirt tracks, while Standardbred races are run on special tracks with a sandy surface to accommodate the sulky.